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Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India

Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India, Yoga is the newest kid in town. However, it managed to earn a pat on the back from anyone who paid attention to the latest developments. Artistic yoga combines the gentleness of yoga with the frenzy of modern cardio. The technique involves the performance of various asanas and pranayamas followed by walking on a treadmill, climbing stairs, riding a bicycle, etc. the activities are performed in a cyclic order, and the asana or pranayama that do at the beginning repeat at the end.

Which is mainly Followed by Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India?

Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India, Artistic Yoga is one of the most ancient forms of fitness regime followed by many gurus and ordinary people.

Although artistic yoga has gained popularity nowadays, it is a mix of yoga and gymnastics. It involves stretching yogic asanas and breathing exercises like Pranayam, Anulom Vilom Vajraasana, Sukhashan and cardio workouts on the treadmill in a cyclic order. Finally, the pranayama repeat at the end to calm the mind.

Yoga is not just about stretching the body; it is actually “YOG”, which means unification. Unification of body and mind and maintenance of synchronization with the worldwide energy “Bramha”.

Kriya Yoga is one more form of yoga taught by Lahiri Mahasaya where you have to focus on body parts and feel that you and the universe are ONE.

Yoga is a vast topic (which will cover in a short article). However, of all the usual fitness and wellness activities in India, the different forms of yoga are the most followed as they can practise by anyone, be it a child or an older person.

1. Artistic Yoga

Artistic Yoga

Artistic Yoga  creaet, invented and founded by Yogacharya Fernando Estévez Griego in Montevideo, Uruguay.

It is a method that uses art as the highest spiritual expression of the human being and integrates art with Hatha Yoga, Bhakti, Jnana Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Smagita Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Nada Yoga with Integral Yoga.

Artistic Yoga or Kala Yoga is a method of yoga that uses Art as a means of reaching Samadhi. In the same way that Bhakti Yoga, for example, uses devotion and the Hindu religion to obtain Samadhi, in Artistic Yoga, the path is ART.

Artistic Yoga is not a sport, nor is it a sport based on asana. And also, it has different styles, specialities, and modalities. The best known is the meditative chanting of Mantras, Bhajans and Kirtans set to Samgita Yoga music. The music and the mantra are not devotional or religious, but unlike in Bhakti Yoga, it is simply Artistic. Sometimes the Samgita or Musical Artistic Yoga may have dance demonstrations, asanas, bowls, drawings, or rituals.

Another different style is Yoga Artistic Theater. Here, the yoga used is the Sabda Yoga or yoga of the word with yoga dance, and exposition of different yoga philosophies, always including the rest of the arts. Finally, the third style is artistic yantra yoga based on yantra, mandala, and painting. As well as in drawings and paintings.

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2. Yoga is the Best of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India

According to the Hindu tradition, yoga calls the set of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines and practices. Whose objective is to balance body and mind to achieve enlightenment and transcendence.

Yoga means ‘union’, and ‘effort’ and comes from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”.

The essential objective of yoga is reunifying the being with the Whole and access to the supreme consciousness that leads us to enlightenment. Therefore, a series of postures, called asanas, propose, combined with breathing exercises called pranayama.

Yoga has become popular in the West, becoming a discipline based on Hindu theories but more focused on physical practice. In this sense, modern yoga is more of a system of exercises that seeks for the person to achieve integral balance.

Among its benefits, yoga helps the individual have a more harmonious relationship with his body and control his mind and emotions. It also provides greater physical flexibility, greater concentration, and relief of muscular tension if practiced under experts’ guidance.

3. Exercise


Exercise mainly refers to a person’s physical practices to maintain excellent physical health. The word exercise mentions the different body movements that must complete obtaining good physical results. The practicing subject must perform these movements periodically and repetitively estimated to achieve this goal. Performing exercises can change the lives of many people who want to obtain excellent health, either for weight reasons or for rehabilitation reasons. And also, after suffering accidents or illnesses that prevent them from entirely using all the members of their body. In these cases, exercise is the best medicine, changing the lives of many people.

Also Read: Stefano Tomadini Model Fitness – Contact, Social Impact

What are some other Examples of Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India?

  1. Hold meetings on foot
  2. Invite employees to participate in a daily meditation break
  3. Offer a cooking class.
  4. Host a Lunchtime Yoga Class
  5. start a business book group
  6. Plan a healthy potluck at the company
  7. Start a Healthy Business Recipe Exchange
  8. Promote a volunteer day at a local charity

How do you Promote Of all the Fitness and Wellness Activities Customary in India?

Even if you have organized a big wellness event or activity, you need to make sure that you promote it effectively for it to be effective. Here are some simple suggestions on how to market your employee wellness initiatives:

Publicize: use posters, flyers, the employee newsletter, staff meetings, and emails

Attract attention: make your promotional materials fun and enjoyable!

Keep your messages short and clear: make sure employees can see the most relevant information at a glance

Target the Hardest to Reach Employees: If you have clinical staff, night shift workers, field workers, etc., make sure they are aware of the wellness event.

Be consistent in your communications: start well in advance of the event date(s) and advertise regularly


Name an accepted form of physical exercise in India?

Walking is one of the most part, popular physical exercises in India.

What is the most common breathing exercise?

Pranayama is one of the most common inhalation exercises.

Can anyone do yoga?

It would be helpful to consult a doctor, but consider any illness before practicing yoga or doing any mental exercise.

Is yoga the most followed of all the fitness and wellness activities customary in India?

It’s fashionable and not famous on International Yoga Day on June 21st.

Also Read: Health-Fitness.Masr356.Com – Follow this Site for Good Health

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