February 14, 2025
Health Beauty Studio
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Can You Outgrow Food Allergy?

An allergy is an exaggerated immune response to a particular allergen. Some people may develop allergies as a result of respiratory or digestive problems. What many don’t know is that this illness can develop over time, and it’s possible for one to outgrow their allergies. If you’re dealing with food allergies, this post will provide some insight on whether or not you’ll ever be able to come off your limitations and enjoy the foods that most of us take for granted.

Common Allergens

When it comes to allergies, most people think of pet dander or pollen, but it’s also quite possible to develop allergies later in life. The most common allergies are:

  • Peanuts
  • Milk and Lactose Intolerance/Dairy
  • Eggs and Egg Products (mayo, etc.)
  • Fish (includes shellfish) and Seafood (crab, lobster, etc.);
  • Wheat/Gluten
  • Soy, including Soybeans and Soybeans -Processed Foods. (including soy sauce)
  • Shellfish Allergies. This includes shrimp and Lobster (and other crustaceans) and mollusks: Clams, Oysters, Scallops, etc.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts and walnuts are the most common) / Tree Nuts. These nuts are often contaminated by mold, yeast, and other microorganisms. Also known as pecan allergies, these can cause inflammation of the mouth, throat, and skin.

Can you Outgrow Allergies?

Some people can outgrow allergies that they had as a child. For example, if you were allergic to milk as a kid, it’s possible that your adult self can tolerate dairy. Also, if you’re lactose intolerant as an adult, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you were born this way. It’s likely that your body has become accustomed to milk through exposure, and your digestive system adjusted accordingly so that it can digest milk more easily.

Can it Happen to Anyone?

Having allergies requires the immune system to make an error. Essentially, the immune system has learned to ward off the allergens that you eat regularly to avoid becoming ill. However, it’s also possible for your body to become desensitized to allergies over time so that your body doesn’t react to them anymore. It’s also possible for children with milk allergies (or any other food allergies) to outgrow them with age and exposure.

Unfortunately, some people are just not able to tolerate certain foods. If you were just born intolerant to certain foods, then it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be able to tolerate them without experiencing side effects.

However, if you have allergies that are triggered by a reaction with another substance (i.e., an ingredient of the food) and are not due to an allergic response itself, then you may want to try examining your diet. If you’ve been eating the same foods too often, then your body may be getting used to them.

Treatment of Allergies

The most common treatment for allergies is to desensitize a patient. Also called hypoallergenic diets, these diets are designed to make the person tolerant of specific foods they can no longer tolerate. For example, a person with tree nut allergies will be placed on a low or eliminated nut-based diet. Also, people with soy problems will be put on a soy-free diet.

However, this treatment has its drawbacks. Some people experience an allergic response when placed on a “nut-free” diet and will then have to go through the entire process again. Furthermore, it means that you can’t eat the favorite foods you used to love (since they are no longer permitted).

Oral immunotherapy is another option. Instead of eliminating the food from your diet, it’s given to you in small doses under the supervision of a doctor. It’s also possible to work with a physician to build up your tolerance for the foods that you crave the most so that you can eat them again.

Allergic Shots

Another option is to get allergy shots for allergies. However, this method is only recommended for people who suffer from extreme allergic reactions to specific foods (like peanuts). This treatment involves shots of the substance that you’re allergic to. The idea is that your immune system will become accustomed to the substance over time so that you no longer react.

Allergen immunotherapy is a therapy that reduces the severity and frequency of the allergic reaction to specific allergens such as foods, plants, and insect stings. The typical approach involves injections or pills that contain small doses of the allergen.

How Allergy Shots Are Administered?

The simplest form of immunotherapy is called subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) and involves injecting a small amount of the allergen into the fatty tissue under the patient’s skin. Then, regular injections are given over several weeks.

This type of immunotherapy is only dangerous if it causes an allergic reaction and desensitizes the patient to allergens. Fortunately, this method is rarely dangerous and is considered one of the safest forms of treatment. Alternatively, allergen immunotherapy can also be administered via an oral route and intravenously (IV).

The treatment involves a series of shots or doses over time. Typically, the doses are given once a week or every two weeks, and the shots are gradually increased. They will eventually reach a point where they can consume the food without any reaction.

How Effective Are Allergy Shots?

Allergy shots are quite effective but can be expensive. If you had shown a severe reaction to the allergen, to begin with, then it will probably take less time and cost less money than other methods of treatment. However, some people who have severe allergies (like peanuts) will experience anaphylactic shock when they encounter the allergen without treatment, so that means that they need to be treated if they want to eat their favorite foods again.

It can also be difficult for some people to undergo treatment. For example, children with severe allergies to peanuts will need shots at least three times a week for about a year. It’s somewhat comforting that most of these treatments are less intense with time.

Where To Get Allergy Shots?

An allergist or immunologist normally administers allergy shots. Your doctor will need to be prepared to give the treatment to treat your allergy properly. They will also want you to eliminate other foods that can cause a reaction. For example, if you have tree nut allergies, the doctor will recommend avoiding nuts completely and not eating them in other forms such as oils or sauces.

In conclusion, you can receive allergy shots to treat your allergies. The benefits of this treatment include the possibility to eat your favorite foods again, but it’s a very expensive treatment. However, it may be worth the cost if you haven’t been able to eat certain foods for a long time.